┌────┤ DATA BASE HELP FILE ├───────────────────────────────┤ Page 1 of 3 ├─────┐│ ││ ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ ││ │ OVERVIEW │ ││ └────────────────────────────────────────┘ ││ ││This series of small data base programs is primairly for home use to maintain ││Addresses, Christmas Card List, Magazine Subscriptions, etc. The records can ││be sorted, displayed on screen, or printed as Listings or Labels. ││ ││╚════C>reate or Add to Data File ││This function lets you create data file or add names to old file. The Input ││Screen gives additional instructions on completing names, addresses, etc. If ││a remark field in included in your particular program, use it for additional ││remarks that would made your records more useful. ││ ││╚════L>ist / Search / Edit/ Sort ││List Records a screen at a time or use SEARCH function to find a name, city, ││state, etc. Press <S> to start SEARCH, then follow on Screen Prompts. ││ ││ └────EDITING RECORDS: A record does not have to appear on screen in order ││to be selected for editing. Press <E> to active EDITOR. When you indicate ││number of record to be edited, that record appears in the Edit Screen. │├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤└─┤Press <Esc> for MENU├─────┤<T> Top of File├──────┤<enter> to Continue ├───┘┌────┤ DATA BASE HELP FILE ├───────────────────────────────┤ Page 2 of 3 ├─────┐│ ││ └──── DELETING A RECORD: Use EDITOR to tag a record for deletion. Tagged ││records are marked "zzz{del}" and will sort to the bottom of the file. Use ││EDITOR to place new data in a deleted record to make record current and save ││file space on disk. [NOTE 1: Use zzzpick.bas (or similiar utility) if you ││wish to remove all deleted records. ││ ││ └──── SORTING RECORDS: For some programs in this series, the file sorting ││utility "sortfile.com" must be available in current path or directory. Rename ││your file sort utility if necessary. [See NOTE 2 on Page 3]. While in <L>ist ││mode, press <Shift 8 [*]> key to sort the file. To view <S>orted records use ││<F>ile Selection feature to choose the <S>orted File. ││ ││╚════<F>ile Selection Menu ││This feature permits selection of <S>orted or <U>nsorted file. Additional help││appears at <F>ile Selection Menu. ││ ││╚════<P>rint The and Address File ││The Print Menu(s) give instructions on printing your listings {and labels}. ││You will be given instructions on how to select records to be printed. If ││label printing option is included, you will receive instructin on label sizes ││etc. [ Printer Driver is for IBM Proprinters. See NOTE 2 on Page 3.] │├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤└─┤Press <Esc> for MENU├─────┤<T> Top of File├──────┤<enter> to Continue ├───┘┌────┤ DATA BASE HELP FILE ├───────────────────────────────┤ Page 3 of 3 ├─────┐│ ││╚════Using <Esc> Key and <F10> Key ││ ││Press <Esc> Key to abort SEARCH or PRINT functions. When <Esc> Key is pressed,││function is discontinued and you are returned to MENU. This feature is helpful││if you need to stop to reset printer, align paper, etc. ││ ││Pressing Function <F10> Key + <enter> from anywhere in program aborts the ││program and returns to System!!!! ││ ││ [ NOTE 2: « IF YOUR PROGRAM DOES NOT FUNCTION PROPERLY » ││Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. User assumes all risks in using this program. ││If your program does not function properly, you may want to get QuickBASIC ││Source Code and change to agree with your printer, sort utility, etc. Code ││is available, at no cost, for most programs. ││ ││ ╔════╣ <C>omments and suggestions would be appreciated ╠═══╗ ││ Contact George A. Jones, Route 3, Box 312 ││ Louisville, TN 37777-9419, (615) 982-2009 ││ ││ ╚═╣ Please Do Not Send Contributions - We do not need the Money ╠═╝ ││ │├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤└─┤Press <Esc> for MENU├─────┤<T> Top of File├──────┤<enter> to Continue ├───┘